
ALL of us together, buyers and sellers, will have to bring the Marketplace to work! This is not happening as well as we hoped for.
See GOOD OFFER for both of you!

See how your city and your country can profit from working with us soon!

As a MySPURT account holder you can buy and sell your products and services at MySPURT Marketplace.
Start today and offer products for sale.
You can also be a surrogate for someone offering products or services. You will receive a percentage for doing so from the supplier.

If you have products for sale, your own or those of others, you will be able to add these products to the Marketplace. All MySPURT account holders can offer their products and services and if they offer their total production for one year to MySPURT Marketplace, they can receive immediate payment in SPURT 200% upfront for doing so. This way they can start doing business with their own suppliers and pay them with SPURT.
Find companies interested in offering their products and services here. They can offer their products in their own currencies and accept SPURT as part of the payment.

It is interesting to learn HOW you can do business through MySPURT Marketplace.  

We also want to offer Services.

You are a retired painter and want to earn SPURT now... You can repair cars and are willing to accept SPURT..... You are willing to clean windows for an elderly person...You offer your services to take care of the children of your neighbour.
Are you making attractive, useful items which you could offer for sale? Do you know others doing this?
We are also planning a Second-Hand department trading in SPURT, if there is a need to do this.

Let us know what interests you!

See also MySPURT Local. You can support your local community.

We are also planning:

Buying and saving houses for people undergoing foreclosure (Europe first.)
We are looking for painters, contractors, carpenters etc. to repair these houses and do backdated maintenance.
The houses will have clean energy and we need suppliers for that. We require gardeners, car dealers, etc. to make the lives for people experiencing these hardships easier.
We want to work with hotels, where they can have a vacation, while we repair their house. We are looking for a variety of alternative therapies, so that they can regain good health. 
For the Sound Prosperity program: "Your Health Your happiness" we are looking for doctors, clinics and all kinds of medical aid for all types of illnesses.

We want to offer jobs and find jobs for unemployed people. Disabled people can do useful work when given support and direction. We require people to assist with the elderly.

YOU bring it to our attention and we will make it come true in our MySPURT Marketplace!
Send us your ideas and we WILL work with them. But also offer your help!!

Offer products for sale
MySPURT Business Concept
See how this Business Concept can support your Community and Country!