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Eckhart Tolle is a great teacher when it comes to understand that our thoughts are causing all our problems.

It are not our thoughts, for example about money of about SPURT, it are thoughts of the collective mind.
We believe the thought, taught us that we will never have more, or that money is evil or that you have to suffer.
We ARE not the thought, we adopt them as the truth.
In the below video Eckhart Tolle shows us that we do not need to identify with our thougts.

We recommend his book : The Power of NOW  and many others. (Eckhart Tolle.)
My "me" connects to other "me's" and then we are US and we can hide behind that US to never change our thoughts. WE are experiencing lack, it has nothing to do with ME. What good would it be when I change MY mind about money, when WE experience all the same?
It is not ME.
MY situation cannot be changed, because OTHERS have to change first. They need time, so I have to wait.
What if that is not true. What if my situation is NOT depending on US but on ME?
Tolle is speaking on his quiet tone and shows the mirror and all can laugh because they recognize their own behaviour in what he is saying.