In Coin Market Cap someone else registered the name SPURT. Although we use this name already since 2015.
Since most of our clients use Crypto SPURT (MySPURT) to trade between clients, there is no problem.
Please be aware that SPURT Plus is NOT connected to MySPURT.
BUT we have GOOD NEWS FOR THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY OF MUTUAL PROGRESS. We can now start trading SPURT through the BNB platform.
Our objective is to promote sustainable development in order to mitigate hunger and climate change that are currently devastating many places with the devastation of drought, forest desolation, and environmental pollution. CRYPTO SPURT is at the forefront of financial implementation, which is placed on the international market, audited, and controlled under smart contracts, which makes the value of the assets transparent. These assets can be exchanged and sold to third parties and obtain direct income in fiduciary currencies that can be in American Dollars or Euros.
We must all maintain the commitment to build an active community where services and products can be exchanged with the trust that exists and that their value is updated, which allows us to buy or execute projects without any restrictions, especially when it comes to money, which It is the important tool to execute any humanitarian project anywhere in the world.
CRYPTO SPURT is a digital currency today with international value and acceptance by other platforms, as it can also be exchanged for fiat currencies, Dollars, or Euros. It will all depend on how much currency you want to own to execute your projects.
CRYPTO SPURT can be acquired through our international platform https://pancakeswap.finance/swap with a minimum investment of 2 dollars that you must have in a MetaMask wallet. It is very important to have a balance in your MetaMask wallet with two dollars or more in BNB CRYPTOCURRENCIES. The operation of CRYPTO SPURT is very simple, fast, and secure. The contract is 0x9f999c743c4a1dcd95d8bfbca281fcc24677abcb
See the instruction sheet to be able to operate and acquire CRYPTO SPURT.