
We can do all for you.

You already know how to set up and open your Metamask account.

You are in Binance Chain System and have BNB on your account.
Your account is open now in Metamask.

You go to Pancake Swap in the same browser, so that both sites are now next to each other. You will see this screen.
In the right corner you will see the last four digits of your account number.

Hover over it and click on disconnect. Then click on connect.
Confirm. Do you see your 4 digits?
Where you see the word CAKE, you change it to SPU. You might need to add the token the first time. This is 0x9f999c743c4a1Dcd95d8bFBca281fcc24677ABcB
Next time you might need to look for SPU.
Now Cake is changed into SPU.

You can enter now the amount you wish to buy. You will see the amount it will cost you in BNB (USD). There will be some fees too, so you might not be allowed to use all BNB. Above BNB, on the right, the amount will turn red. Then you can reduce the amount.

Click on SWAP and the SPU will go to your account, after you confirmed that you really want to buy SPURT.

You will have to add the token to your account, by confirming that.
In case you do not see the SPURT in your Metamask account, if you forgot to add the token, you can add it manually by going to your Metamask account. Click TOKEN and IMPORT, above the amounts, and add the above address in Custom Tokens. There will be a warning, but you do it anyway.

You might want to add the Token Inkagold too.

Your Metamask and Pancake Swap are still open and you go to the word SPU and click on the arrow. Change to IKG or add 0xbAf41f6db66eCb3784C0C9CCdf2D8Bf912b9b4d9
Since Inkagold already has more value than SPU, you will not be able to buy as much as you can for SPURT now, but our GOAL is to give SPURT more value!

You can always check what tokens are on your account by going to bscscan.io and add your address there. You are looking for your Tokens, so see on the left side, in the middle the word Token with a number behind it. Click on it.