

We started once more with SPU Crypto, this time in another Network (BSC Network), because this will provide us value easier and cheaper.
Please join us and see this as when the people bought the first Bitcoin. They did not know that the value would rise. What if the perhaps 10$ (you cannot do this with SPURT Digital) you now invest will one day be a much higher value? Do you want to make the difference?
ONLY TOGETHER we can do this.
See this truth here

Why would you buy SPURT Crypto?

Because now you can buy it at a very low price and one day the price will be higher, and you can sell it again. By then you supported all of us to give SPURT Crypto value, AND you increased your money. You invested WELL!
You cannot buy SPURT Crypto with your SPURT digital currency.

We NEED you!

We need at least 1000 clients with this SPU in the BSC Network and the higher the value is, the better. Please understand that you buy it for YOU! YOUR investment will increase. It is almost impossible that it will NOT increase if we do this right,

There are two ways you can support us.

One way is to go the way all by yourself, and for those in Crypto already this might be the choice.

If you want an easy way, please go directly to STEP 2.


(Only for those who are already familiar with Crypto exchange platforms. Others go to step 2)

Open your Metamask account.

Register an account in https://accounts.binance.com/en/register?ref=396454175 You will need a copy of your passport or ID or driver’s license and a utility bill or bank statement with your name on it (the same as the ID) and your address. You have to give an indication how much you want to invest and can say -100$. You will need a mobile phone for verification, with on it the Binance app and the second verification is through your email. You might need to provide a source of wealth information.
You can buy BNB, and transfer it to your Metamask account, where you than can convert them to SPU (via Pancake Swap). (See step 4)
After you are verified your Binance account, you login and click on deposit and add USD or transfer ETH from your Metamask Wallet to the account you now have in this Binance system.  
Go to Wallet and click on Deposit. Choose the coin you have and want to deposit here.
Click on the Network BSCsmart chain. You will see the address FOR ETH IN THIS BINANCE WALLET. For each of your coins there is another wallet!


In order to make the purchase you must implement the following steps:
Open your Metamask account. You will find that your Metamask account is set to the Ethereum Network.
Since we now work with the BCS Network, we have to add that Network.
See Instructions.

STEP 3  

The Ethereum Network is a totally different network from BSC. It is the same as if you buy an airplane ticket with Delta to Switzerland and you go to Swiss air to enter the plane. You will have lost your Delta ticket, for you are with the wrong SYSTEM!

Once you have finished the configuration of BSC Mainnet, you have to deposit in your wallet BNB coin. You can buy those in Binance, see step 1 and transfer them to your Metamask wallet.

OR for those who do not understand Crypto

We understand that it is not easy for many of you to go the Binance route. For that reason, we want to offer you that you can use our own wallet to pay with Ether you might have. We will than transfer BNB to your Metamask account, where you than can swap it to SPU.

You cannot use SPURT for any of these actions, also not SPURT in your Metamask account.

But to do ETH transfers, please be secure in what you do.

You can transfer ETH (Ether) to 0x080ec58ac37786c8fed111f59ee3806638140103 AND you copy this information to info @myspurt. org and you add in that email your OWN Metamask account.
Or you can Pay to our Bank account in Switzerland https://myspurt.org/spurt-account/payments  (Please pay all the fees yourself and please ONLY SEPA.)
Or, by exception, you can pay through Pay Pal, please request information.
See it as if you buy Bitcoin, hoping it would go higher in value.


Open your Metamask account.

After you have in stock the BNB COIN YOU, who have a Binance account, or we transfer the BNB to your Metamask wallet. When your wallet has a BNB balance, you have to open the page: https://pancakeswap.finance  and connect or synchronize your Metamask wallet giving authorization in your Metamask wallet.
Make sure that you are really on the above website   https://pancakeswap.finance/swap

See Instructions.