

We are providing what we PLAN to do.
Conversion is not our main goal.  Business sure is.

The reason that we provide this plan is, that we do not want any misunderstanding about what MySPURT is and what can be done with MySPURT in the future.

Sound Prosperity is a member based Social Organization. One of them, New Chances, offered MySPURT to the world. To be able to support MySPURT clients in handling their MySPURT according to Terms and Conditions of MySPURT, New Chances makes use of the Prosperity Centers worldwide, initiated by Sound Prosperity.

Sound Prosperity is concentrating on doing business with MySPURT, using Prosperity Centers to connect.
The reason for working this way is that we have a legal responsibility and an obligation to our Terms and Conditions.

Tasks of a Prosperity Center

The task of a Prosperity Center is to assist MySPURT clients to be able to use MySPURT for their needs and businesses. It is there to help clients to know how to use their SPURT and to motivate them to start opening up their own Community for this purpose. How can you better make use of your SPU as by supporting your own community?
Each country or even region might have their own Prosperity Center.
The Prosperity Centers will work with Personal Account Managers [PAM], Business Account Managers [BAM] and Key Account managers [KAM] and a Board of KAM's. (see below.)

Prosperity Centers fall under the Sound Prosperity Social Organization

They have a Home, Health, Job and Education plan where you can earn SPU and find compensations of your costs. Sound Prosperity is offering support in the USE of SPU. Prosperity Centers are places where people can get advise on their own personal situation and/or on the projects they want to do.
These Prosperity Centers are places which express prosperity, abundance, luxury, beauty, peacefulness, cosines, relaxation.
You feel at ease as soon as you enter the Prosperity Center. You feel invited to share your problems and needs with people who are really interested in your story. What about a place like this above?
The vision is that clients can be here for one day or more days, which includes places to stay overnight. (Payable in SPU.) If this is not possible, a hotel nearby will be found.
You will be able to stay until your problems are discussed and solved, which may be up to 2 weeks.
This is not a vacation place, but a relaxing place where you work on yourself and your problems, supported by people with an ear and knowledge.
The Prosperity Centers will also have an educational area where you can learn how to get your life back. How to avoid getting in debt again.
Also if you lost your house or you are under foreclosure, you might use the offer to stay in the Prosperity Center for14 days for example, which will be the time we need to renovate your house with the help of an interior designer and a professional staff and place clean energy in it. See our "Your Home and Happiness" project.
We are planning Personal Account Managers [PAM] who will be able to speak to clients about their problems and with debtors and lenders. It might be necessary to speak to the enforcement office too. You would be paid in SPU.
Preferably PAM's have experiences in this area.