You might have MySPURT in Ethereum or even SPU+. Both do not seem to have value.

If you want to help us get value, you might consider to transfer your SPURT and at least $10 value in BNB to our account 0xDCEb795c8353FBfB75793917BcCB5b9B4a33b5cb  (ETH>BNB)

We can do all for you.

The system might show this warning: You are about to send a token contract which could result in a loss of funds. Click on I understand and add the amount of SPURT you have on this account.

We will exchange your MySPURT and SPU+ for SPURT Crypto. On your request we can add SPURT from your Digital currency account.
We will place the value of the Dollars on your account in BNB to do the transaction but use some of the fees for the exchange. It would be cheaper if you send BNB to the above account for the value of $20.00.

We will buy, with these BNB, SPURT Crypto in the value you send to us.
Please contact us through our email, the chat on the website or Skype MySPURT. We have WhatsApp too, please inform.

How do I transfer these other Crypto to the account 0xDCEb795c8353FBfB75793917BcCB5b9B4a33b5cb

You have your Metamask account? In there might be the Crypto already. Then you can click on send and follow the instructions. The system might warn you that this is a not official token, accept anyway
If you do not see them in your Metamask, and you know you have them, go to Tokens and add them (see addresses below).
If you do not have a Metamask account, please follow the instructions here.

Contract address for MySPURT 0x1D48f0A2c5713BfEd0D506508d5d2c6F8530B28b
Contract address for SPU+ 0xEf7bCE1BE2Ba032131326910a6c11e716daeDBFf