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Opening a MySPURT account is easy. See this tutorial. Once you have registered through the button on the top-right hand side and paid for the initial required deposit, your registration will be processed. You will receive a notification once it is ready.

We noticed that some Email Providers, like Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, Comcast, block emails from MySPURT.org already before they land in the SPAM. This happened if you did not immediately received an Email from MySPURT after registration. Please add info@... (see above)  to your safe emails (white list). In Gmail you go to Settings, Filters and set "never to SPAM".

Rules for new clients*

All clients have the opportunity to open an account with an initial deposit to 50 Euro (50 USD).
*for developped countries.

A sponsor is required.

If you don't have a sponsor, please see form below.

  1. The initial deposit can be paid to our bank, or by buying the SPURT Coin (SPC), following these instructions  and will be placed in your MySPURT account.
  2. In special cases you can require other payment methods by writing an email to info @my spurt. org
  3. Please show us per email which form of payment you choose.

All new clients must understand and accept that they need to do BUSINESS with their SPURT. If there are no buy sell transactions in your account for one year, the account will cease to exist.

On this place we need to make clear that in Ethereum there are SEVERAL tokens with a similiar name as SPURT. There is only ONE connected to MySPURT and that is the name SPURT. We will start a marketing campaign to make this clear, before we will provide any SPURT to any of the clients. To avoid misunderstanding, we will, in this website, speak about "SPURT in ETH, SPURT/ETH"

Since February first, we also give the opportinity to buy our SPURT Coin (SPC). This will offer you the option to invest in SPURT and one day will be blessed with a higher value. This will happen when many of us start to do this.

Open a SPURT account and get the following:

  • Unlimited deposits or transfers.
  • No transfer fees.
  • Access to online banking tools.
  • Access to do business with your SPURT.
  • Access to the MySPURT SPURT Coin (SPC) in the Crypto Performance system to do business in SPURT (SPC).

Why would you want to open a MySPURT account?

  1. Most of our clients are doing business with their account on a daily basis.
  2. Through the Timebank, all clients can earn SPURT for their work in the community.
  3. The connection through the SPURT  Coin makes it possible to do business in the Cryptoworld too (also for those doing big business.)
  4. When enough SPURT Coins are bought by all of us, other buyers will jump on SPURT and want to buy it too, which will make exchange possible.

Where do WE stand for?
Where do YOU stand for?

We like to get to know you a bit more and ask you to fill in the form below, so you can tell us what you stand for. We Stand For...
For SPURT it is important that you understand that SPURT can be used for Barter.
Each new client should also learn to see the advantage of the Timebank, where you can add the time you are willing to exchange for the time from any other person, and by doing so, create a social field where people support each other with their time and talents. See the stories as example of what you can do in your community and earn SPURT for each hour you invest in your community.

If you don't have a sponsor, please see below.


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Although we normally only open accounts for referred clients, you might have a chance to open an account by sending your passport and credentials to info @ MySpurt.org and wire 130 Euro to our bank account, or buy at least for 150 USD in SPURT Coins through the Crypto Performance crypto platform.

Please fill in this form when you don't have a sponsor, so we get to know you and you might have a chance to be sponsored.